Tuesday, December 25, 2012


NORAD Tracks Santa reported that Santa was back at the North Pole, so it seemed safe to go out for a run.  We didn't wear our headlamps as it was starting to get light.  George had 9 planned, so he saw me over the bridge and asked me if I wanted to follow him into the trails.  I wanted to, but thought for a quick second I didn't really know what I had in me today, so we parted ways.

As I ran, I remembered as a kid leaving Miller Lite and Saltines with the plastic wrapped type cheese out for Santa. I don't know why this popped in my head, but it made me laugh inside.  I bet my father enjoyed that little snack.  My mind just continued on of so many wonderful Christmas memories and joy.  Although I know my parents scrimped and saved for presents for us, I can't remember a one, but only remember the happiness of the day.  As I continued to relive so many Christmas memories, I didn't even realize it had begun to snow.  I looked down and the white snowflakes on my fleece just made me smile.

Running was great today and effortless.  I probably got in five to six and I consider it a great Christmas present to myself.  I found peace, joy and happiness throughout. 

Wishing y'all the merriest of merry and joy throughout the day ahead.  If you're able to get out and run today, I hope you also consider it a great present to yourself.

Keep dreaming!

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