Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Who's out at 4?

Seriously, three cars drove by me this morning which made for a quicker pace than usual.  I suppose that's good though.

I procrastinated getting out in the cold, although I had looked forward to it.  Xar's blog entry was sort of short, so after I read it twice I headed out.  Although the moon is full (?) clouds were covering.  It didn't take too long to warm up, I was overdressed, but that's ok, the air was beautiful.  So thankful for the ability to get out and run..aaahhhh.  I didn't want to go back in, so I stretched a bit outside enjoying the crisp air.

Hustle and bustle in the 'boro lately.  We took an unplanned trip to NYC and as usual it was great.  It was quite hard to realize a few weeks back things weren't bustling in NYC.  I love our trips and unplanned stops while we are there.  One of my morning stops at GMA featured Kid Rock.  I must admit I like his duet with Sheryl Crow, probably the only reason I know him, other than his marriage to Pamela Anderson.  I laughed so hard to myself when an older gent next to me told his wife it was Boy George.  I'm sure Kid wouldn't appreciate that likeness.

I think the saying is opposite, but good things come in threes, so today is going to be a great day.  Hope it is for you too!

Keep dreaming!

1 comment:

Jeremy Bonnett said...

4 is really early... quite amazing.